Monday, November 23, 2009

Apathy thick in the face

The expression on his face, I swear if I had thrown a cushion at him it still may have remained expressionless...or maybe not. All the skin set in and drawn down by both gravity and desire to do so. Lazy lids and hollow eyes... Apathy thick in the face.

You know that you really need to get a life when you find yourself utterly bored when your computer is away for repairs. Mr Apathetic should really find another hobby. Transforming into a fixture of the room or hijacking the computers of others is not ideal!

The lack of interest in everything is such a distasteful feeling. Rather sad I say. Still it's something that arrives on odd days. For it to stretch over a period, now that's depressing. Not good for the entire being. Emotional and physical. It's very much important of us as people to be connected to something. Have an anchor of some sort. Being productive in some way. Staying focused. Communicating with other people - friends, family, whatever... Do something. Doing none of the above - all of the opposite - leads to, well, apathy. Common phrases of one showing the symptoms:

"Eh...I don't care..."
"Oh! I can't be bothered."
All this said in a monotonous voice and a facial expression heavy with...a lack of expression.

It's meant to be important for people to fell a sense of belonging. As stated by some documentary:

"Humans are social creatures."
In order to achieve happiness of some level there must be human contact.

So the cure to apathy? all ingenious people would suggest, prevention and not cure is best. But sometimes we can't help it, right? In this case the cure is the same as the prevention. So the answer is: just do something...anything, stupid!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


So it really is impossible to enjoy the movie when you've read the book.

Monday, November 9, 2009

So Drac's back

Obsessions are stupid, but I am a hypocrite.

Twilight fever thing has gone too hypo but maybe it's not about the whole franchise and story but the actors/actresses instead. What ever it is I'm relieved that for me its taken a one-eighty degree turn and subsided as I approach the last pages of the series. The initial concept, sweet and delicate is fleshed out, dragged, twisted and ploughed with the finale really going all out, though I'm not quite there yet.


So I'm not here to review anything. Just curious about the obsession with dark supernatural stuff. The whole vampire affair on reprint, is kinda getting a little old I think. Taking more than one dose of it sets off the sparks in a persons head. No matter how repackaged the production is, it's still the same story. My brain would shoot the sparks and tag the product 'boring'.
Not much of a tolerance for repeats I suppose.

But back to the obsession specifically. What's with the attraction to the dark side?

"Oooo! Come to the dark side....We've got cookies!"
The dark side is...just so much more seductive, appealing and irresistible. How is it so? How does it do that? It's been compared to the cliche scenario of naive, goodie-too-shoes girl meets bad ass boy. it's just an inner desire to rebel? I think there's probably more to that. I believe it's more really the ephemeral qualities of the potential relationship. It's fresh. It's new. But it's not permanent so there's always an opportunity to fall back. It's an escape but only for a temporary period. To make it sound very bad it's commitment issues. To sugar coat it, it derives itself from boredem - that shiny new toy again. And also comfort and insecurities - you can always go back. The herione of the series however, wants that permanence. Can you, yourself step into those heavy, strange shaped shoes?

Err...hard to say, I guess the answer would depend on other factors too but, I do love cookies.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The chasm

At the chasm. Dying and wishing for something to come and then when you're there, there's nothing but a giant chasm! Nothing but emptiness before you.
Why was I dying to be here again? It's true what is said: "It's the journey that is the most important part of a destination," whether the emphasis of the significance is positive or negative.

So I'm at that chasm. I was wishing and wishing and wishing for the exams to finish. They are and another year is over! There should be a rewarding sensation. But, it's like running a thousand miles to see some massive explosion in the end and all you get is an anticlimax.
I imagine the comic character running so fast and skidding to an abrupt stop, swaying forward and bounding back from the ledge. The holidays should be fun but all this free time is rather uncomfortable to submerge into. But isn't that what I was waiting for? I was dying for a break. I have it now, but it's too much? It's too overwhelming I suppose.

I actually saw the little black full stop on the page but I thought by the time I got to it I would have figured out what was going to come next.