Tuesday, November 30, 2010

C. Smulders

Ok finally! Lol - I said that with my last portrait, but these two words express exactly how I feel at the moment and exactly how I felt last time.

C. Smulders (as Robin Scherbatsky), Lead Project, 2010.

How I Met Your Mother, absolutely brilliant sitcom!

So... back to the point of all of this. To answer my hopes and expectations of my last post, no I didn't achieve what I had wished to with the cheeks. They are a tougher battle than I had thought. I've also come to realise I tend to do hair in the same way all the time, I noticed that when I was drawing her right side; so then I decided to put a little more attention and care with her left fringe; before completely giving up at the bottom right corner of the page, hence the flat patch of grey ;)

I seem to be stuck at the moment... stuck with who my next subject is. It's important to choose someone I won't get bored of, which might not make sense since I've already admitted that I abandon my drawings because I lose interest, but "that" is tedium from the repetitive aspects of eg hair! It's important for me to find a face that is mesmerizing enough that I find it worth drawing - why do I find this statement will come back to haunt me? ...Well it's true.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

WIP C.S - Robin Scherbatsky

"One week" Pffft! I got bored and a bit preoccupied, but, just as proof that I did actually have something started and intended to be completed, here's the current WIP.

Drawing hair really gets to me - I get too tired to do it so I put off the drawing for several days. I feel like I'm slowly moving forward with experimental smudge toning (making a monumental movement with the nose) but taking one step back with shape and form (her eyes just look all wonky - eep!).

WIP C.S - Robin Scherbatsky

So from previous posts, I'd mentioned in passing various features of the face: no.1 the eyes (too bad I screwed them up here); no.2 the hair. I reckon the third ranking features are the cheeks - the way the bone structure is veiled by the muscle, tissue and skin creates such a beautiful sculpted form. Of course it's not a great example here, I'd barely etched in the form, but I'm hoping I do get them right 'cause this run is more about me focusing more on the light and shadow of the skin.  

The chosen subject this time is really just a tribute to my favourite sitcom - HIMYM.

See completed>> C. Smulders

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

O. Wilde

Ok, finally! Here I am to present my third attempt at realistic portraiture. Yes, there is still a vast amount of room for improvement but I feel empowered to do so.

O. Wilde, Lead Project, 2010.

I didn't feel like keeping the identity of my subject a mystery this time (or really, I couldn't think of a better title for the work). This drawing is also available on deviantART. I registered as a user this week. I only have one sad, lonely submission - this one - on the account so far. The community is really amazing with its vast archive of artists and the exuberance of works (quite inspiring stuff!). Of course I don't aspire to become an artist myself but I do love the stuff.

I'm considering continuing my amateur collection which I'm now going to call it a "project" and see how far I can progress. It may take years, but I feel like I've got all the time in the world! So that means... more portraits! I've already chosen my next candidate for the challenge. I don't usually time myself but, I shall hope to have the next one here in a week. In the mean time tut-ta!