Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I really can't take it anymore. Studying day in day out. It's maddening and I think I've gone a little loopy myself! I'm up to HERE with it (action: leveling hand at forehead). There's so much riding on the exam tomorrow but my motivation not to mention my productivity has cracked.

Here's a preview of the portrait I've been working on for like since... ...er ...since I last mentioned I was working on something. It looks like I've done so little and that's 'cos I have done so little and it's far, far from going to be finished. Maybe you could take a swipe at who it is but good luck there 'cos I totally failed with the proportioning. Fat-face syndrome seeping into my drawing. Hope it doesn't become a thing.


I always thought that unfinished work was very intriguing even sometimes more perfect than seeing finished work (though not in this case I have to admit). Seeing how the layers were put together from the initial sketch marks to the toning that animates life. I really want to see how the completed turns out.

Back to try-na-focus =(

Friday, June 3, 2011

Oooh look a BEAR!

Still snooping on smh. What have we here? Ta da! A polar bear made from a solid block of ice. All the things that pop into my head: ephemeral art; artist Andy Goldsworthy; the environment; ...animal sculpture so Jeff Koons' Puppy.

And since it's a bear:
Spike: "A bear! You made a bear!"
Buffy: "I didn't mean to!"
Spike: "Undo it! Undo it!"

Sculptor Mark Coreth rides his life size ice polar bear in Circular Quay in central Sydney. Photo: Reuters

House on the Flight of Birds

Just to do a bit of reminiscing... like the good, old days of arch studying. Saw this on Sydney Morning Herald and well - wow.

House on the Flight of Birds by architect Bernado Rodrigues

It looks like the stuff done in google sketchup back in first year semester one. All the wacky, crazy, abstract forms and the highly discretionary use of colour. I almost miss those days - but I don't. They were days of hell I say, but some of the designs were fun to do. And like all experiences, things get better nearing the end.