Wednesday, July 20, 2011

S. M. Gellar ~ retouched

Sorry I just had to retouch up the last version of S. M. Gellar drawing because it was really bugging me every time I looked at it how rough the shading was left. I don't like the texture blunt pencils leave. So I smoothed out the toning, touched up the eyes and lighted up her left cheek even though that's not what the reference photo had it. I also chose not to adjust the colour and contrast after scanning. I have a terrible scanner that washes out the image/documents I scan. I tried alternative settings and manipulating the levels but you know what... I think I prefer it like this.

S. M. Gellar (as Buffy) retouched, 2011.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Buff Buff - S. M. Gellar

To sum up a good six months (give take some days) of great entertainment I thought I would dedicate my next drawing to BTVS. Jeez I wish I had watched it years before!

S. M. Gellar (as Buffy), 2011.

Giles: For as long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One... 
Buffy: He loves doing this part. 
Giles: Alright. The Slayer hunts vampires, Buffy is a Slayer, don't tell anyone. Well, I think that's all the vampire information you need.

I can proudly say I finished this drawing in three days which unfortunately can't be said for my previous drawing wip-nh. It's still incomplete I just got put off by the hair rendering so it'll just have to wait. A new start this was and it was good to get something different going. I had intended to do a Spike drawing instead but I realised I prefer drawing the "fairer sex". If I'm gonna spend hours staring at something then it may as well be something pretty, like a rose. Not that guys can't be "pretty" (lol) but for females you can add eyeliner, blush, lip stick/gloss, earrings and a diversity of hair styles. For guys, unless there is a themed costume, the most that could be added is facial hair and ahemm, HAIR! No thanks. Too much work.

My argument isn't very thorough which means I will attempt to drawing male portraits again in the future and definitely finish my last wip but I stand clear with my preferred subject matter.

Next up... I'll have to think about it.

>>See retouched S. M. Gellar drawing