Thursday, August 2, 2012

Everything Doctor Who

You'd think with the Olympics on I'd be more excited by that, but alas, no, ever since I'd finished Series 6 of Doctor Who I'd not stopped revisiting bits and pieces of it. It has consumed many of my waking moments in the past four months. But it's like the universe is not diagreeing with me of late. Just the other day sitting on the bus to uni, minding my own boredom I took a slight glance at what the girl sitting next to me was doing and to my surprise I see a police box screen protector on her phone. "Ah! The Tardis!" my mind went. The Who fandom has reached far and wide hasn't it in the last seven years. And just today, with me half falling asleep in my lecture, the lecturer dropped a delightful Doctor Who reference in his lecture slides when a big blue Tardis appeared on the projector shutter in front of the class but instead of "Police - Public Call - Box" it meerly said "Superannuation". His intent, to look at the history of super. Bleh. There were some smiles in the room but I don't think many in the room got the joke. And then there are signs the fandom hasn't reach "that" far and wide.

So it's all just very strange that everything is turning up 'tardis'. No it's not! Cos it's bloody August and we've still got to wait a few more weeks for Series 7 to come along. Why won't it hurry up! Not to mention that the second trailer for the new series is just teasing us even more. But it does look absolutely thrilling. Mind you, is it just me or does Amy seem more feisty? 

Doctor Who: Full Length New Series Trailer Autumn 2012 - Series 7 - BBC One


"See, this is what happens when you travel alone for too long."~ Amy to the Doctor. 
You'd think the Doctor would have learnt that lesson by now. Cos we've certainly learnt it at least twice with Ten.

Anywhose. Back to twiddling my thumbs while I wait for late August.