Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Husbands of River Song

I realised I haven’t reviewed Doctor Who for about two years now. By golly, where did the time go? I don’t really remember what happened. Lol

I remember the last X-mas’s Special was the one with the Dream Crabs, and before that, oh before that was… was Eleven’s departure. :( But my last review, well that was the debut episode of Twelve, the one with the Clockwork drones and the delusional quest for the sacred land.

Well, two series on with Twelve, to be honest I don’t think I have made up on mind about him yet. Although, I must say, Series 9 was produced a lot better than the prior series. Just the darker tones and serious atmosphere fits this Doctor more. The airy-ness of the 8th Series just always felt off beat. My recollection of the dry humour, heroics and hint of cynicism didn’t mix and bond. Of course, I say I enjoyed the 9th Series, but, why no reviews? The commotions of life got away with me? Well, in part maybe. The other reason, I may have finally fallen out of my obsession with this drama series. :O Yes! I didn’t think this would happen. But, nothing is impossible.

Ok, enough of my excuses. I am about to watch the new X-mas Special. So here go and I will be back in a few hours.

The Husbands of River Song

Hell with the seriousness, it is after all Christmas. I remember when I first saw the trailer for this Special I was like, seriously? So I was expecting another campy, incoherent sing-a-long. I will, however, always look forward to any guest appearance from River in the Doctor’s timeline. But, in truth, despite all the silliness I did enjoy this episode. Maybe it’s because the continuous string of serious episodes, starting from about ‘Sleep No more’ to ‘Heaven Sent’ and the final farewell to Clara, the Doctor was well overdue for some real laughter. I wonder how long it has been for him? Not that he has any memory of Clara anymore. I won’t discuss my views on Clara’s run in the TARDIS here, as the point of this review is the Special, even though this maybe a good time to go off a tangent.

The episode was a way to tie up the loose end of River’s last meeting with the Doctor that she has known and loved. One of the most important meetings of their story, and the one date the Doctor has frequently cancelled, holding onto the last thread, unable to let her go and let their story run to a close. Some may have long waited to see this final meeting, but, I think that whether or not we got to see it didn’t matter anymore. For all that has happened and the millennia’s past in the Doctor’s life, the Doctor does finally feel as monolithic and impossible as he has always been renowned. This event, however significant and shining a moment it is in their relationship is only a fleeting spec in his tremendous life. The fact that we did get to see it, is nothing more than a bauble, a treat.

"...The last time I saw you, the real you, the future you, I mean, you turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the Singing Towers. What a night that was. The Towers sang, and you cried." ~ River Song in the ‘Forest of the Dead’

Did River really believe her own words, that the Doctor never loved her? Possibly, as from her perspective the Doctor had just lost Amy and Rory and was spiralling into a deep depression and isolation from the world including her. Little does she know that the aged Doctor beside her (looking a little awkward having to witness this speech) had long ago professed his perpetual love for her, albeit to her database copy, at Trenzalore. This speech would have been the highlight of the episode, had Kingston not overacted it a tad.

With the episodes ending, it was suggested that the two would have their happy ending and a fitting resolve. Will we see River again? I did initially hope so, but given the continuity barriers set up in this episode, it will be hard.

There were problems with this episode, but seeing that it is a X-mas Special and supposed to be a silly romp about, I will spare the commentary. Better than some X-mas Specials in the past years, but, ‘A Christmas Carol’ is still the best.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Happy Xmas ~ 2015

I won't ignore the white elephant in the room. Yes, it's been a while. All is well. 'Tis the festive season after all. Happy Xmas!

I've been enjoying my break and hiatus on drawing. I think I've finally found my new muse with as great a potential as that of 'Doctor Who'. Addiction or obsession? ;)

'Scarlet Heart' (步步驚心), for those who are not familiar, it is a Chinese drama (based on a novel of the same Chinese title) that has been around for a few years now. But, true masterpieces can elicit a response even when the tides have past. It is truly a drama for the ages and can rank among the classics. It has of course made its mark onto my favourites list. Memorable to the end.

I think the effect of graphite which is a medium more tradition to western art will be interesting to see melding with an eastern subject matter. I hope tacky isn't the outcome. I am hoping to achieve an effect similar to that of my Ballerina series.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Pond, April 2015

I've been a bit lazy with words, so I thought I better add some. A picture may be a worth a thousand words, but some background won't go astray.

This is my second Amy Pond portrait but it certainly won't be the last. I had a go at a watercolour too of her, so I guess this is actually the third portrait. There is just something about Amy's character as a companion that is so memorable. I definitely like her more than Clara. Amy's personality just feels more real and relatable. I feel the success of this portrait is I have conveyed this, or at least, tried my best too.

I have realised what I am striving for in my drawings. I use to try very hard to get the detail, the more the better. But now, I aim to achieve the organic essence. For lack of a better word, to make it look "natural". I feel in the drawing, there is something absolutely indescribable in the softness of her hair and expression. It's mesmerising. The only thing I would like to redo is the lips. Lips are a weakness.

I feel this is one of my better works in a long time and strangely enough it is the quickest portrait I have completed. I started it after dinner last weekend, and finished it the next day before sunset. I know! I'm very impressed with myself too.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Flu shot!

I received my flu vaccination today. I don't remember when was the last time I had a vaccination. It was probably when I was still in highschool! Which was a long time ago.

Well, well, it's already April. Time sure flies, doesn't it? Soon it will be mid year and then what do you know, it will be Christmas time again! I'm thing of taking a trip this year. If i can just make up my mind on the plan that would be great. But, since it will be a solo trip all the decision making is driving me mad! So many options. All mutually exclusive! If only I were that type of person who would shoot from the hip.

by IrishManReynolds

Yosemite Sam by IrishManReynolds

Friday, March 20, 2015

New Headphones

Time for some new headphones, well, kinda new. They were a gift about a year ago but I just wasn't ready to give up my existing ones which coincidently were also a gift from the same person.

Remember the self portrait I had done titled "Headphones". Those were the ones. You can find the drawing on my deviantART page. I haven't done a self portrait for two years now. Even though I had initially planned to do one each year. I just wasn't in the state of mind last year. Nor this year, I don't think.

I'm not sure where I am heading with my art making. It's been about five years since I had challenged myself to do portraiture. To learn how to draw a face. I'm proud of the skills I have developed and the techniques I have learnt. Last year I took a jump to drawing figures and that was so exciting and refreshing. And recently, my experimenting with semi-abstract watercolour portraiture. I've found it challenging but the splash of colour is spendour. I feel like I'm at the beginning again, when I just started creating my first portraits, with all the struggles I face.

I feel like at least once a year I'm going to want to kick everything. The pressures of work, study and life weighing down on on my shoulders. Why can't I go to a simpler time?

Monday, March 9, 2015

Trying Watercolours

I've been experimenting with watercolours. Truth be told I've been wanting for ages. But I just never got around to it... all I couldn't muster the strength to test myself. To try.

Maybe I'll get better.

Keira, 2015

WC Exp. 1, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

2015, first

Happy New Year! I hope the summer was a blast or winter if you're in the northern hemisphere.

I had a lovely relaxing time, although, it's like it was a dream now, being back in the office. Such is work.

It was my birthday on Tuesday. Despite the candles I'm not six. But a lovely gesture, although they turned out to be trick candles! xP Thanks Boss!