Friday, January 13, 2012

slayer, int err u pt ed

Buffy Season Nine issue #5 ~ Slayer, Interrupted

Hello y'all! I'm back and picking up from the slack ;) In fairness there was really no point in reviewing A&F #5 ~ Perfect Harmony. It wasn't my cup of tea and if you chose to skip that issue I wouldn't blame you. Besides it was a breather from moving into the next major story arc for the series which is where the big guns are locked and loaded for the readers.

One more thing. Happy birthday to Me! =D Despite that it's Friday the 13th and a crazy person started talking to me on the train, no bad omens will mark this day =p.

Let's get on with it then. Interrupted we are, and so is it to l'il-Buff-no-more's life.
Morris delivers another stunning cover for this issue. A stricken Buffy crouches on a victorian chair, knees together and toes clawing into the seat coushion. Horror in her eyes as she looks to the viewer and lips apart gasping for air. The vibrant rainbow maxi dress she dorns spills outwards flourishing into familiar faces in different colours. Xander in Sunkist orange is being bitten by a pinkish red vamp; turquois blood drips from the punctures. Willow in the same pinkish red, reers her head, looking concerned as she holds the broken seed of magic towards us. Dawn in turquois, grins as a bumpy faced vamp. As the green, orange, red, turquois and white swirl and flair out more we see demon eyes, reptile scales, boney teeth, human skulls and other devils. A faerie fades into view from the grey background, floating upside down next to the hyperventilating Buffy. Another figure, maybe two are visible in the grey blackground but I can't make out what they are, be demon or something else, mudged in brown and blue.

Cover by Steve Morris

The second cover lets us know that Willow is leaving. Backpack over her shoulder and hiking boots a foot, she gives a wayward side glance to a sad and lonesome Buffy huddled on a hillside rock. The sun is setting over the Golden Gate Bridge in a pink sky with purple clouds.

Jeanty takes a break for this issue with Karl Moline taking the reigns. You'll recognise the style from the Time of Your Life arc from Season 8 and of course Fray. One in the same. The art's good and a good change of pace for the story too. It's the fifth issue so geniously it takes us back to what came of the fifth issue of Season 8. And supposedly the aftermath of Angel's little visit in the last season.

I'm gonna have to interrupt here and finish this post a little later... coffee break, maybe a sleep break but most definitely a little tired to continue.

... where were we?

Right. So I was gonna go on to my favourite page in the issue before I was overpowered to go on. I like the two pages of Buffy and Willow simply going for coffee and a walk in the quiet neighbourhood as they discuss the enigma of the Slayer's dream. I like it because it is such a normal thing to do. And the way that it was drawn too, with the use of autumn leaf colours makes it ever so pleasant. A reflection of the harmony in their friendship.

Overall a good issue.

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