Friday, March 16, 2012

On Your Own ~ Part Two

Buffy Season 9 issue #7

This will be a quick review I hope. I think.

So with my dissatisfaction with the last Angel & Faith issue, I as really gunning to get back to the Buffy plot because it was a lot more exciting where it was heading. And well, it didn't fail to impress.

Cover One. Yuck! Pardon my bluntness. I don't mean to be rude but just look at it. Pastel colours in blue, pink, brown, grey, yellow and orange. Green eyes for her. Blue eyes for him. Spike and Buffy in domestic bliss, shacked up on the sofa. Him and his TV remote with a glass of red. And her, leaned up against him with a crossword puzzle. They are happy. It's everything Buffy has been searching for since the start of Season Nine. Normality. But this scene is boring. It's not them and we know it. Noto does his signature style with the the superimposed sketch and paint over with that dreaded black outline. But one step worse this time with the absolute two dimensional state of Spike's face. It looks seriously incomplete to me or a lack of effort.

Thank you Jeanty for cover two! And of course, I always fail to mention the others who help with the alternative covers: Dexter Vines and Michelle Madsen. A cover really needs to sell and this one does the job. From a fantastic vantage point we stand high above three familiar faces, through a crowd of multi-coloured Zompires all clawing in from the edges forming a creative border around the page. The detective braces himself with his badge around his neck and both hands upon his pistol. While Spike balls his fist and clenches his teeth ready for a smack down. Buffy though, stands arms folded but discontent, beside her massive title chalked into the cement pavement and unhappily lets the guys do all the work.

There were quite a few great panels in this issue. A close up of Buffy's profile, completely lost in thought as she sits on top of the bug ship in a mauve twilight. Another of her looking tenderly down at her stomach with both hands feeling it as we see in the distance the glow of the almost setting sun. A further way into the issue, a blood dripping SFPD badge... Just a snap shot.

What really won over the viewer this issue I would have to say is the story that was perfectly pieced together with sentiment and honesty. Or at least what we all thought was honest. Truly great issue.

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