Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The first

Before I start I wanted to revisit what I mentioned last time about the Doctor traveling alone for too long. What I didn't realise last time about the 300 years that have past was what this evidently means. Putting this into content, in the Doctor's life it's been 300 years since Rose, Martha, Donna and fish custard with l'il Amelia. So this version of the Doctor is in a league of his own. Long gone are the days of early Eleven, Ten, Nine and even distant are the days of the Classics. And I find myself to be wrong in referencing the past lessons we have witnessed him learn because he will reasonably have a different take after hundreds of years later.

Jeez I write too much. Moving on...

Amy: Then why do you keep coming back for us? 
The Doctor: Because you were the first. The first face this face saw. And you were seared onto my hearts… Amelia Pond. You always will be. I’m running to you and Rory before you… fade from me.

This explains a lot and it's sad to hear knowing that there is only one more adventure the Doctor has with the Ponds. The Eleventh will always belong to Amy just like how Ten belonged to Rose. They were respectively the first. The first faces his new face saw, seared onto his hearts forever (until he regenerates of course). It's really beautifully written.

The Power of Three... gosh do I cringe at this title. Yeah I get it. "Cubed", to the power of three. But seriously?

Again I'm gonna sit on the fence about this episode. It was fun, we got to see the Doctor go all 'Saturday Night Fever'-ish. It was cringe worthy but it's so the Doctor. Oh and the Shakri, like Darth Sidious but more creepy. However, it all ended rather too quickly again and the problem solved so easily. I do hope we see the Shakri come back for revenge. Muahahaha!... 'cos they're like the Sith. Revenge of the Sith. Shakri. Sith. Shakri?... No? Bad joke?... O_O

One more to go.

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