Friday, December 28, 2012

Evil Snowmen

'WOO new WHO!' is of course the feeling I had when I watched the new Christmas Special episode of Doctor Who. I've got to say, it is best to watch any new episode, that one has been waiting for months in anticipation, without seeing or hearing anything about it in advance. But, of course I can never help myself. So my expectations were, unfortunately, blown out of proportion. I was actually expecting something scary from the gist of it all, but, I should have known better. Although, my hopes of an exciting and fun episode were answered, and it was a good episode. My favourite Christmas Special, however, is still the 2010 one, A Christmas Carol

So, The Snowmen. Evil-grinning snowmen. Muahahahaha! - No. Stop right there, and take a back seat pile of frost! Because, it's time for the new companion to show off. And she did. Although, I've always found when companions show off their smartness, it seems rather contrived in contrast with when the Doctor does it. All the same I look forward to seeing more of Clara Oswin Oswald.

The Doctor: Go on say it. Most people do.
[The Doctor giggles as Clara races to do a lap around the police box.]
Clara: [returns back inside] It's smaller on the outside.
The Doctor: O.O ... Ok. That is a first.

Speaking of show offs. The Doctor and his new TARDIS console! Ooh Doctor, I see you have redecorated... I don't like it. Oh I'm just teasing, all I mean is I prefer the last console desktop. The last one was fun and extravagant with a warm, welcoming, orange-y glow. The new one is darker, more tech-y and very retro-looking. Given what the Doctor has been going through I understand the redecoration and it was very picturesque for the story. But, but... it's smaller! Still bigger on the inside but smaller than it was before. Oh, Clara's missing out. Tangent thought, River must be able to keep track of the Doctor's timeline by the console desktops too.

So the Doctor's off again, to discover the mystery of Clara Oswin Oswald, the women twice dead. To be honest, I'm more excited by the troubles they'll get up to than the mystery shrouding who she really is. There's just one too many mystery women in the Doctor's life.

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