Monday, January 28, 2013

D. Tennant - The Doctor

Oh, the rain! How I wish it would stop! And my thoughts to those in Queensland.

I start work tomorrow so I really wanted to finish the drawing below. It is of course the Tenth Doctor. And before you start, yes I remember stating that I had no intention to draw Ten but after some thought, I mean, why not? So I did. 
D. Tennant - The Doctor, 2013.

I'm not really happy with how this one came out. Not only is it rushed because I wanted it finished, but the proportioning is wrong. I could try to fix it, but why not just start a new one then? So I will promise to do another. When? I can't say but it is a promise.

I guess the one exciting thing about this drawing is I cracked open the 6B. So I've gone darker like I have never gone before! Haha! 

Anyway, I know it's flawed but I hope you like it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Yes, DUCK! No something hard isn't hurtling towards your head. Just a giant rubber duckie in the harbour.

Can you stare deep into those big black eyes and resist a smile? 

Rubber Duck, Sydney Festival 2013, Darling Harbour, Artist: Florentijn Hofman.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Oh this weather is hhhh... It's so hot and stuffy. And it's given me a headache. I hate this weather! It's not that it isn't cool outside, but there is no breeze and everything that was baked yesterday is still emitting heat! The carpet, the walls and the furntiure. Stupid heat. It makes everything un-enjoyable. So go outside! But then I don't have my computer and I can't have that. Yeah, I should get a laptop/tablet, but I'm more a desktop-kinda-gal.

Like a bored little soul I am, here's my new wip. Can you guess who it is?

It's coming along really slowly so I wouldn't have any hopes of it being completed any time soon. And sadly, because I start work at the end of the month, if I don't find the motivaion soon, this little bud won't receive his final pencil stroke for a long time.  

Laters for now.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013