Monday, January 7, 2013


Oh this weather is hhhh... It's so hot and stuffy. And it's given me a headache. I hate this weather! It's not that it isn't cool outside, but there is no breeze and everything that was baked yesterday is still emitting heat! The carpet, the walls and the furntiure. Stupid heat. It makes everything un-enjoyable. So go outside! But then I don't have my computer and I can't have that. Yeah, I should get a laptop/tablet, but I'm more a desktop-kinda-gal.

Like a bored little soul I am, here's my new wip. Can you guess who it is?

It's coming along really slowly so I wouldn't have any hopes of it being completed any time soon. And sadly, because I start work at the end of the month, if I don't find the motivaion soon, this little bud won't receive his final pencil stroke for a long time.  

Laters for now.

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