Friday, April 5, 2013


The Doctor: "I'm the Doctor. I'm an alien from outer space. I'm a thousand years old, I've got two hearts, and I can't fly a plane!"
It's been a snail of a month, one that has crawled by. I just had a wonderful five day Easter weekend and boy do I miss the time, the time to do the little things, the time to go for walks, to experiment with desserts, the time to just settle into a task rather than everything done by appointment. I miss time.

Speaking of time... the long wait for the new episodes of Doctor Who has finally arrived! But was the wait worth it? I feel like the wait has diluted my affection for the show. Don't get me wrong, I still love the Doctor but the loss of interest, whatever degree, is the risk of delaying air dates.

So... The Bells of Saint John.
Monk in 1207: "Wake the abbot! The bells of Saint John are ringing!"
Huh? Translation for the 21st century Whovian: Go get The Doctor, his phone box is ringing of the hooks!

I must say the opening scene in 1207 Cumbria feels rather disconnected from the rest of the episode mainly because there is no explanation to why on earth The Doctor chose that time and location to mull over a Miss Clara, especially given the prequel clip in the playground.

The episode as a whole is quite enjoyable with a very classy execution. But didn't it ring a little deja vu? Faces in monitors. The Doctor on a motorcycle. An alien feeding on human minds... Does it bring to memory The Doctor with a 50's Elvis hairstyling, Rose in a pretty pink dress and that creepy line: "Feed me!"? It did for me, but just subtly so even with the similarities you're still able to enjoy the adventure on its own merits.

Unfortunately, the adventure just didn't quite satiate. It was a good episode with some great scenes, but I couldn't help but feel I had the appetite for something grander. Am I being too demanding? No, I don't think so. I'm just being a fan.

As for the new companion. We've seen her in the future, in the past and now in the present day. Clare 1, 2 and 3. Is she really the same person? They/she, all have similar traits. Sassy, curious, intelligent and after being spliced a computer skills package, Clara 3 and 1, are both quite tech savvy. I haven't mention if I like her yet. Ohhh, but that is something a character must earn and Clara Oswald is yet to earn it, which I have no doubt time will take care of. I definitely liked Oswin when we first met her. I guess we shall see if that is her future in some way.


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