I'm here in Lithgow where it's so cold tonight for some reason. I've been here for a week and it's felt cool but I haven't felt the chill to my bones until now!
I haven't lived up to my word and the rest of my Doctor Who episode posts never came did they? No, they didn't. Sorry, my bad! - Well, of course it's my bad. Ha!
I had planned to come up here to Lithgow and have plenty of free evenings but I've been snowballed in by my commitment to become a Chartered Accountant, with the immense amount of studying. Yes, I'm an accountant. Are you shocked? Although, I have a strange preference for the title, Bean Counter. Ha! Let me just say it was NOT my career ambition as a child. Could a child be any less creative if there ever was one that wanted to be an accountant when they grew up!
Ok, so you definitely know what's not coming... any posts on Doctor Who any time soon. Which means this is one of my rambling posts to let you know I'm not dead and you have not been abandoned!
That's all for now! Laters.
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