Sunday, June 24, 2012

Graphite the Past

Because like all studious individuals, when you need to get cracking on those study notes the first thing you do is decide to do something trivial and waste time. Oh procrastination makes one do the most strangest things, even to take a trip down memory lane. Any excuse to avoid studying, I went snooping through my old VAPDs and accidentally stubbled upon one that I had forgot existed.

A book full of graphite drawings. An assignment from my good old architecture days. It was a drawing module which you can check out some of the works from my other blog. This particular assignment was to do two drawings a day for about a month. It started off as do one for the day and do one for the night, for one week and then do one for the indoors and one for the outdoors. It was such a tedious assignment that my drawings started off detailed and by the end I'd just scribbled. Ha!

Night, 2008.

These are some of the early ones. My old bedroom. Some night. Some day. This was the first time I used graphite. It turned out alright I think. Personally I'm not fond of any medium that rubs off. It gets all over my right hand and I smudge it all the time! I still remember the first time I use charcoal in highschool. It was a nightmare. Pastels are just as bad. Especially oil pastels! Conte is ok. Chalky stuff is less mess. 

Dawn, 2008.

So what's my agenda to showing you these? What, can't I share? They're not particularly fantastic drawings but they're interesting to me because it's my past. Dull, normal life in graphite.

Evening, 2008.
It's strange how boring domestic settings look ever so boring in real life and even in photographs but when it's drawn on paper it's remarkably less boring. Maybe because taking a photo requires so little effort, a simple click and 'ta da'! So in order for photography to be exciting and interesting the subject matter must be challenging. Something hard to counter balance the easy. Where as drawing requires more time and effort, simply selecting any old subject matter would do the job to attract attention.

Morning, 2008.
Or it could be just the added texture of the grain in the paper that does the trick.

Day, 2008.

Well... I think I still prefer portraiture.


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