Sunday, June 3, 2012

Women of a Certain Age

Angel & Faith issue #10

"Women of a Certain Age" this title could mean so many things. The first time I heard the title I thought it was about our leading female character Faith. But then when I saw Cover One, well... My oh my Giles, so you were a ladies man after all.

After reading the issue however, I can hopefully give a more insightful take on Cover One. I think I shall start with the title because the designers decided to be witty this time. Note that the words in the title "women" and "age" are bolded in a chalk pink. And that pretty much is the basis of this story if you think about it. Smart aren't they.

Now there's so much going on in this cover I'm not sure what to pick on next. Well, it's a whirl of leather bound books and flying leaves of paper, which is a beautiful touch of motion I must add. A mature aged Giles straightens his glasses which had become askew from the sudden commotion, a wafting gush of wind stemming from a simmering cauldron. The first time I saw his expression I miss took it for a sly smile and the askewness of his glasses obstructing his brow creating a misleading glint in his eye, not to mention the women standing behind him, hence my comment above. But once recognising the whirlwind, it has obviously caught the studious Watcher by surprise causing him a state of discomfort and a rosy embarrassment on his face. Not a sly smile but a tensed expression. Right, so the fact that I had to write all that means Mr Morris had not done a great good in drawing Giles here. 

So the cause of all this flying paper? Well, two glowing young ladies. Well... I say young (touch nose). The two strangely look a lot like Faith and Buffy. Huh. One blond and one brunette. Even the facial features remind me of them. With flowing brown hair and dark plum lips, one stirs the cauldron, smiling down upon Giles. While the other gazes upon her own reflection in a hand held mirror. The background is a beautiful tangerine wash to create a glowing world behind the solid colours of the Watcher.

Cover Two is a fun cover. Yes, it's scene from within the issue but here Isaacs gets the opportunity to explore the scene in more depth, colour and detail than the panel within done by Chris Samnee. It's way more exciting! Claws, arms, tongues, eyes and webbed feet? Scales in red, green, blues, purples and browns; and claws of all shapes and sizes. It's demons galore clawing their way through the gap in the door as our heroes struggle to keep them out. We see Faith leaning back up against the door, her arms in an Egyptian hieroglyphic pose. Her body tense and eyes fearful as she looks through the corners of her eyes at the masses of limbs sticking out from the ajar door. While Angel braces the door with hands, elbow and knee. A boney claw closes around Faith arm and a scaley, red hand tugs at Angels sleeve. Most menacing of all is the the sole claw at the top of the door and the vertical claw marks scraped into the wood. It's a sticky situation our protagonists have found themselves in but it's sheerly brilliant. The cheerful rainbow of colours contrast with the tension of pushing, pulling and clawing and most importantly fear all making for a delightful cover.

Cover by Rebekah Isaacs with Dan Jackson

What of the issue #10 then? Well, I can say it was really a great one. We get weirdness, new characters, humour, a bit of the past, some cuteness, more weirdness and a ginger drops by. Oh and need I say, loads of demons.

Now I know I haven't done a most memorable page in a while and well... it's not gonna happen this time either. Sorry guys. There's lots of great panels though. I'd definitely recommend checking this issue out.

Till next time.

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